Thursday 20 October 2011

elena syraka

elena syraka and katya voutiras presented pieces of the collections -Demi Gods- and -Charmed Life- at Shop Ermou store, where the creations will be available for jewellery addicts, incapable to resist to gold and diamonds. The pieces are way too beautiful and the minds behind the brand are brilliant..

elena syraka and katya voutiras (a very special friend):

Maria from Shop and Trade (plus my first business mentor, when working for adidas) and myself:

Mariaflora on the left, Gautier on the right:

Mary from Shop and Trade:

Dj Bad Spencer on duty:

corners from the store SHOP Ermou:

1 comment:

A BRIT GREEK said...

Loving the antler & stone necklace, so glad you shared as I didn't make this event!

So good seeing you on Sat - can't get over how much your hair has grown!
